Free and Effective Self-Care Resources to Help You Stay Sane and Healthy

Olivia Sulistio
4 min readAug 21, 2021

After more than one year of exclusively working from home and being chased by many deadlines, I found it’s easier for me to feel trapped, restless, and listless. Movie marathon doesn’t cut it anymore as it often makes my mind busier and tenser. In this testing time, I set aside more time to take care of my heart, mind, and soul. It’s not an exaggeration to say that self-care is one of my primary needs besides breathing and eating.

Having a Type A personality, pausing is not easy. However, I found heart-centered self-care methods by Natural Way of Living work so well on me. By letting my heart open and free, my mind’s busyness is replaced with happiness from the heart. To help people relieve stress and stay healthy, they have been sharing their methods online for free.

Below are some of their free online meditation and healing resources that I’ve tried and tested.

1. Heart Preparation and Open Heart Meditation to Let Go of Stress, Anxiety, and Negative Emotions

Staying indoors almost the whole day, reading negative headlines, deadlines, and often leaves me feeling anxious and frustrated. Left alone, these negative emotions sap my energy, making me feel more depressed.

Open Heart Meditation has been a wellness staple for me to help me survive this unprecedented situation. This guided universal meditation by Irmansyah Effendi, the founder of Natural Way of Living, helps me to let my heart open and connect to True Source — a non-denominational term for God, The Creator. During meditation, we are also invited to pray with our hearts to let True Source Love cleanse our hearts from negative emotions, forgive, and ask for forgiveness.

For best results, Irmansyah Effendi advised us to begin with The Heart Preparation first to help us relax, then followed by Open Heart Meditation. Setting aside 30–40 minutes to do this every day has helped me feeling centered, calm and peaceful throughout the day.

If you have done the Heart Preparation, you can go directly to 6:30 to listen to the Open Heart Meditation prayer. You do not have to recite every word. Just relax and smile to let your heart open and pray to True Source.

The Indonesian versions of Heart Preparation and Open Heart Meditation are available on Irmansyah Effendi’s YouTube channel.

2. Healing Prayer and Reiki Tummo Channeling to Help Improve Health and Wellbeing

It seems that the pandemic might not end anytime soon. Instead of worrying about my health and my loved ones’, I often do healing prayer and Reiki Tummo channeling for myself and others.

Natural Way of Living hosts The Health Prayer for The World every day at 6:30 PM Jakarta Time on Zoom. Reiki Tummo practitioners pray and channel Reiki Tummo healing energy to every human being in this free event. Even if you haven’t taken the Reiki Tummo course, you can still join this event to receive Reiki Tummo energy.

Health Prayer for The World testimonial. Click here to view the post.


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If you want to channel Reiki Tummo by yourself, you can learn and get Reiki Tummo attunement by attending this free online class wholeheartedly.

The class was conducted in Indonesian by Irmansyah Effendi.

You can also access the class in English and other languages.

3. Walking Exercise to Help Improve Posture and Boost Energy

Walking is an everyday activity beneficial for our health. Naturally, since working from home, the number of steps I take every day has lessened. In the beginning, I was confused why I felt lethargic during the day and found it hard to sleep at night. I also got irregular periods. After consulting with my gynecologist friend, I discovered that a lack of exercise caused this imbalance.

To be honest, I am a lazy person. I wouldn’t say I like to do a lot of exercises. I want a light yet impactful exercise. Secrets of Natural Walking is the answer to my prayer. Secrets of Natural Walking with its 6 keys helps you improve how you walk and let go of the pressure you unconsciously exert on your body to activate and free your body’s natural healing ability. In short, it’s all about improving the quality of your walk. When done correctly, one step of Natural Walking can give more health benefits than many steps of incorrect walking. True to its promise, when I diligently practice Secrets of Natural Walking, I feel that my body is much more energized, my mind is clearer, and my sleeping quality is improved.

Secrets of Natural Walking also can help with posture and health problems such as scoliosis. I am not sure if I have or had scoliosis, but I had uneven shoulders and the condition was much improved after I practiced Secrets of Natural Walking for 45–60 minutes every day.

You can find out more information and book a Secrets of Natural Walking workshop here.

If you want to try it first before booking a workshop, you can join Miracle Walking free walking practice. Guided by Secrets of Natural Walking licensed instructors, Miracle Walking introduces the simplified keys for the public. Since the pandemic, Miracle Walking has hosted its practice session online and made some recordings available on YouTube. If you want to be notified about the latest events, you can send a direct message to its Instagram.

Here’s one of the recorded Miracle Walking practice sessions in Indonesian.

I hope this is helpful for you. Let’s make some time for self-care every day so we can stay sane, balanced, and positive in this crazy year.



Olivia Sulistio

Associate Strategy Director at Romp! Advertising Agency. Love matcha, eating, and sometimes cooking. Practicing Open Heart Meditation.